You’ve read every home build magazine, spent hours on google reading about the pros and cons of self build, but finally you feel ready to take the plunge. One of the first steps you’ll be thinking about is where to find a plot to build your self build home on. Where can you find a self-build plot?
The first thing we’d say is that this part may take some time and you’ll need to try a number of routes to find plots that are available. Do remember that you are building a dream home and try to be patient. Be consistent with your searches and don’t give up!
Soon, you’ll have found the ideal plot for your self build project.

Where to Find a Self-Build Plot
#1 Google
It sounds simple but we’d recommend being specific about the location you are looking for such as “Self Build Plots in xxx” with “xxx” representing the location you are searching in. As an example you could search “Self Build Plots in Aberdeenshire” or “Self Build Plot in DD10”.
Also, try googling “building plots in xxx” as alternative terms may throw up other suitable websites.
The reason I say that you should ‘Google’ first is that businesses that come up in the first couple of pages are more than likely to have a website with lots of information and the potential to check current availability.
Remember to bookmark the ones that you find helpful!
#2 Referrals
If you are on social media, then why not pop a status on your Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram etc asking for help.
At one point or another in our lives, we’ve been surprised at just how small the world can be.
You never know who may have spotted a sign by the edge of a road saying land for sale or even better got a friend who is looking to shift some land. Try it, we reckon you might be surprised.
#3 Dedicated Self Build Plot Websites
There are number of dedicated websites that offer listings of plots for sale, such as:
Free online plot listings where you can search by postcode, county and even budget. There is even a zoomable map where you can zoom and drag to find plots in your area.
Listing plots for sale and buildings suitable for renovation, you can search by locality and budget. You can also set up a handy ‘alert’ for when new plots are added.
Free to subscribe and only lists opportunities where planning has been granted. Good search functionality with ability to set up alerts and search on maps.
You’ll also find general property websites may also have plots listed with ability to filter on searches to “land only”. A few of these are listed below:
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#4 Estate and Land Agents
Getting out and about to register with local estate and land agents, in the area you are searching, should be a priority.
While you could do this online, do try to speak to them in person and get to know them individually, particularly the independents. This help you be front of mind when a plot comes up.
You could also reach out to local architects, surveyors and existing home builders in the area at the same time too. This may help kill two birds with one stone, if you are also searching for other partners to support during your home-build project.

#5 Auctions
It’s also worth keeping a regular eye on auction sites such as Allsop and Savills.
You’ll find brownfield sites often at auction, which may be suitable for renovation projects or demolish and rebuild.
#6 Social Media Search/Groups
This is one of the least well known ways to find a plot, as many people rely on ‘liking’ facebook pages and then being notified via page updates or the business itself.
However social media can work even better for you by using it’s huge search functionality.
Firstly you can do a direct search within facebook or twitter or any of your favourite social media platforms. In the search bar, just type in “self build plots in xxx” and see what comes up. While some pages may come up that are not relevant, skim past and check out the posts that are listed. This is where you’ll spot individuals or businesses posting plots available with the keywords that you’ve searched for.
If you are clear on your ideal location, then do also make sure you are a member of any community pages/groups on Facebook.
Most towns and even villages will have local groups for residents to share information and news. Keep an eye out for relevant posts or be brave and drop in and ask if anyone in the group can advise of existing plots available.
#7 Local Authority (Council) Websites/Planning Permission Applications
A frequent search of local authority planning applications may also be helpful in your search.
All planning applications are published and there may be that applicants are seeking approval for planning approval to then sell on the land instead of developing themselves.
Catching the plot at this early stage, could put you to the top of the queue.
#8 Get Outdoors
Jump in the car or pop on those walking boots and get out there.
You just never know what you will spot with a ‘plot finding’ hat on. Keep an eye out for disused garages or infill sites. It may be that the owner hasn’t considered the land as a potential plot and additional income for themselves.
It may feeling tiring and take time but you could spot a hidden gem!
Still Looking for a Self-Build Plot?
If you’ve exhausted all of the above options and still searching then pop back to the start of the blog and start again. I know it can feel frustrating but the reality is that this may take some time and you will need to continually repeat searches that you’ve already done.
If you have been searching for some time, then it may be time to revisit what and where you are looking for. Your plot is likely to be the most significant cost in your self-build project and it may also be time to have another look at the budget.
Whether you decide to tweak your budget or requirements, continuing to stay calm and plan carefully will pay you back time and time again during the overall process. And you never know, that elusive plot may appear out of the blue tomorrow!